My rants n ramblings.sigh sombody there to hear it?
Facts that u never know about the movie...
Published on October 19, 2004 By chott370 In Movies & TV & Books

Hope most of u have watched and fascinated about the matirx are some facts that u never know about it (IF U R REALLY INTERESTED)



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The role of Neo:

* Ewan McGregor was offered, but turned down, the part of Neo.
* Will Smith was approached to play Neo but turned it down in order make Wild Wild West (1999).

The role of Morpheus:

* Val Kilmer was at one time attached to play Morpheus.

The role of Trinity:

* Carrie-Anne Moss twisted her ankle while shooting one of her scenes but decided not to tell anyone until after filming, so they wouldn't re-cast her.

The role of Seraph:

* The role of "Seraph" was originally written specifically for Jet Li. When Li declined, the role was then changed to a female and offered to Michelle Yeoh, who turned it down due to scheduling conflicts.

Art meets reality:

* According to some crew members, Keanu Reeves was really vomiting as shown in the film when his character Neo leaves The Matrix for the first time. It was because of a chicken pot pie he ate, apparently.

References to other movies:

* The scene in which Neo meets the gifted children in the Oracle's apartment is an homage to the similar scene at the end of Akira (1988). The Wachowski brothers acknowledged the influence of anime films in a brief USA Today interview a few days after the film's release.
* There are numerous references to "Alice in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There".
* The blocking moves Neo uses against Agent Smith upon his realization of being "the One", are the exact same techniques Daniel LaRusso uses against Mr. Miyagi upon his realization that he has in fact been Karate training in Karate Kid, The (1984) . Sand the floor, paint the fence, wax on, wax off...


* Carrie-Anne Moss (Trinity) played Liz Teel in the TV series "Matrix" (1993).
* In Tuskegee Airmen, The (1995) (TV), Laurence Fishburne also had a crewmember named "Tank."

The computer screens:

* The glyphs on the computer screens, with the exception of the call traces, consists of reversed letters, numbers, and Japanese katakana characters.


* Trinity's room number is 303 ("trinity" 3). Neo is The One and number of his apartment is 101.
* The number of the phone Trinity was using at the beginning of the movie is 555-0690.
* Neo's room number is 101. Room 101 was the place in George Orwell's book "1984" where people were sent to be tortured and would end up believing something that wasn't true.
* Neo is often referred to as the "One". One is an anagram of Neo.


Some personal information can be seen on Thomas Anderson's "criminal record" that Agent Smith glances at when he interrogates Neo:

* The last update to the file was July 22, 1998
* Neo's date of birth is "March 11, 1962"
* Neo's place of birth is "Lower Downtown, Capitol City"
* Neo's mother's maiden name is "Michelle McCahey"
* Neo's father's name is "John Anderson"
* Neo attended "Central West Junior High" and "Sean Paterson High"
* The name of the company Neo works for is Metacortex.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery:

* By the middle of 2002, the famous "Bullet Time" sequence had been spoofed in over 20 different movies.


* The date stamp on the phone trace program in the opening sequence reads "2/18/99". The date stamp on the phone trace program in the closing sequence reads "9/18/99". This means that the events in the movie take place over exactly 7 months.

Double duty:

* When Neo is running away from the agents, the window washers are played by the two directors of the movie.



* Actress/Singer Aaliyah was originally cast in the role of Zee but was killed in a plane crash on 25 August 2001.
* Gloria Foster (The Oracle) also died before the end of shooting the second Matrix film. She had done most of her scenes for Reloaded but had not done any for the third film.


* This film and the sequel (Matrix Revolutions, The (2003)) took four years to make, and were filmed back to back.
* The sequels took so long to finish because several CGI firms went bankrupt while working on rendering the effects for both movies.
* The film's concluding highway chase sequence took 45 days to shoot (longer than many films' entire shooting schedule).
* It took four years to render the effects in this movie using several companies, a task which would have taken one computer in upwards of 300 years to accomplish.
* The 100 Agent Smiths battle alone took two years to complete.


* A 17-minute battle sequence alone cost over $40 million.
* The 2-mile loop highway was built specifically for this film for a chase scene on the decommissioned Alameda Point Navy Base at a cost of over $2.4 million.
* It was reported that Keanu Reeves volunteered to give up a claim to a share of ticket sales amounting to around $38 million when producers feared that the film would never recoup the cost of the special effects.
* The special effects alone cost $100 million U.S.
* GM donated 300 cars for use in the production of the movie. All 300 were wrecked by the end.

Top-secret script:

* The script for the movie (while in production) was code-named "The Burly Man". This came from an epic fight that the developers code named "The Burly Brawl".

Top-secret promo items:

* Matrix Reloaded promotional material was in such high demand, that distributors were extremely worried about it being stolen. To combat this, standees and banners were sent out with the code names of "Caddyshack 2" and "The Replacements". Several cinemas thought they had not received the materials due to these names, and as such, did not display them until the last minute.


* Carrie-Anne Moss broke her leg training for a wire stunt.
* Laurence Fishburne fractured an arm in another training incident.
* Hugo Weaving put out a disc in his neck while being pulled back on a wire.


* When Trinity hacks the Power Station's computer, the password she uses is "Z10N0101".
* Trinity uses a genuine hack to get into the Matrix. She uses Nmap version 2.54BETA25 (an actual port scanning tool) to find a vulnerable SSH server, and then proceeds to exploit it using the SSH1 CRC32 exploit from 2001.


* Morpheus' line, "I had a dream, and now that dream is gone from me," is a quote from King Nebuchadnezzar in the Bible.

No Quotes:

* The Wachowski brothers' contract for doing the Matrix Reloaded, and Matrix Revolutions, included a stipulation that would not have to do any media interviews.


* Only a few of the Agent Smith clones were actually played by Hugo Weaving. Open casting calls for males with similar body shapes and structures took place, and Weaving's head was superimposed on them later.


* The Council in Zion consists of 18 people - 12 women, and six men.


# Eva Mendes, Samantha Mumba, Brandy Norwood and Tatyana Ali were all rumored to be possible replacements for the character of Zee. Nona M. Gaye (daughter of late Motown legend Marvin Gaye) has been cast in the role.

Gloria Foster died before she could complete any scenes for the third film and Mary Alice took the role of the Oracle.

In an unprecendented simultaneous global release, this film opened at exactly the same moment in every major city in the world on November 5: 6am in Los Angeles, 9am in New York, 2pm in London, 5pm in Moscow, 11pm in Tokyo, 1am in Sydney and at corresponding times in over 50 additional countries worldwide.

They spent two months designing the apparatus to make the perfect rain drop.

The final showdown, between Smith and Neo is based on the final fight from the Korean film Injeong sajeong bol geot eobtda (1999).

In the scene where Morpheus, Trinity, and Seraph are chasing the Trainman, an advertisement for Tastee Wheat can be seen. Tastee Wheat was mentioned in Matrix, The (1999) when Mouse was trying to describe the food in the real world.

When Neo goes to see The Oracle in her apartment, the jazz standard "I'm Beginning to See the Light" is playing in the background; a different version of the same song also plays in the corresponding scene in Matrix, The (1999).

The ship referred to as the Hammer was actually named the Mjolnir, after Thor's hammer.

Cameo: [John Gaeta] An APU operator.

The brand of cigarettes the Oracle smokes is "Double Destiny".

While Trinity is chasing the Trainman in the subway, an advertisement for Powerade can be seen. When Matrix Reloaded, The (2003) was released in theatres, Matrix-based commercials for Powerade aired on US television.

The black cat at the end of the film is the same one in the "deja-vu" scene from "The Matrix". It even meows in the same way.

Rama-Kandra's wife's name, Kamala, means "terrible", "frightful" or "dreadful" in Finnish.

The Trainman is the only character who uses a revolver in the trilogy.
# At the end, when the Oracle is sitting on the bench, there is a plaque that reads "In Memory Of Thomas A. Anderson".
# When Morpheus, Trinity, and Seraph are in the elevator going up to night club, the elevator button pressed says "hell" on it.

on Oct 19, 2004
on Oct 19, 2004
This was an interesting read. Perhaps one day I will actually see the second and third Matrix flicks. This did pique my interest somewhat.
on Oct 19, 2004
Perhaps one day I will actually see the second and third Matrix flicks.

I thought the second was the worst and the third was the best. But I'm in the minority on that last one.

I keep meaning to blog about that.....
on Oct 19, 2004
I thought the second was the worst and the third was the best. But I'm in the minority on that last one.

To be quite honest, I just don't see that many movies. After hearing so many bad comments about the second and third (from people who were very passionate about the first) I just sort of lost interest. But one of these days I will get around to them.
on Oct 19, 2004
To be quite honest, I just don't see that many movies.

When would you find the time?

Me, movies are my life. (And everyone thought JU held that position. )