My rants n ramblings.sigh sombody there to hear it?
chott370's Articles » Page 3
October 16, 2004 by chott370
hi, am really happy that i have created my blog account on joeuser.i had one in blogcity but it lacks features and its not that much user friendly to use it.i was that time searching a new site to post my blogs.then i came across joe.oh boy blog has referred to about 1002 times all my articles doesnt have any interaction or comment blog is like a my personal dairy.i like people to read it and just go in their way. so am not at all disappointed on others not posting a...
October 2, 2004 by chott370
Know about these interesting facts... courtesy = The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time TV were Fred and Wilma Flintstone. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Every day more money is printed for Monopoly than the US Treasury. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Men can read smaller print than women can; women can hear better. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coca-Cola was originally green....
September 18, 2004 by chott370
tomorrow we guys are goinng for "the village" in satyam.hope it will be a good movie.i read reviews about that movie.seems it can never match "the sixth sense".called harish today.had a brief chat.seems he has been asigned in a project involving storage area network.a 6 month project specific training starts on monday and will be for a month.myself,arvind,jiju,yogi are asigned to oltp(online transaction processing).it involves c in unix.all server side stuff.they havent assigned a ...
September 11, 2004 by chott370
hi, finally i came to know what my verticle is.its in company maintains a odc (offshore development center) for a lottery gaint in us.that company is the biggie in online lottery business.they provide solutions and support to all states in us.they are the leaders in the industry.seems thay have a revenue of about a billion dollors.all over the world they have a market share of more than 70%.thats an amazing stuff.seems that company in weel known in the western world than in india...
September 6, 2004 by chott370
hi, me posting free gmail invitations has attracted a lot of visitors to my blog.i have so for given nearly a 100 gmail invitations for free in i really apprecitate those guys for creating a site for swaping gmail invitations.its really funny if u actually visit that site.u would be reading what all people are willing to provide for one gmail invitation.even in my company i think nobody has a gmail account.people think that having a 1 Gb email account is really cool.there...
September 6, 2004 by chott370
hi all, i came across this joke somtime,somewhere ago.after reading i cant quit laughing for few minutes.hope u guys will enjoy it. HUSBAND TO WIFE: Honey,why cant u learn to cook urself so that there is no need for the cook anymore. WIFE TO HUSBAND: Honey ,why cant u learn to fuck me properly so that there is no need for the watchman,driver,gardener.
September 6, 2004 by chott370
hi all, i came across this joke somtime,somewhere ago.after reading i cant quit laughing for few minutes.hope u guys will enjoy it. HUSBAND TO WIFE: Honey,why cant u learn to cook urself so that there is no need for the cook anymore. WIFE TO HUSBAND: Honey ,why cant u learn to fuck me properly so that there is no need for the watchman,driver,gardener.
September 5, 2004 by chott370
hi all, am a gmail user for the past 3 months or so.i have been a regular visitor of site where i trade my gmail invitations for free. after some time google stopped sending me invitations to invite others.but i have started to receive the invitations again.i thought of giving the invitations that i have got from my account and from my other freinds in this blog.if any joeuser wanna create a gmail account then use these links that i have provided below. ALL U HAVE TO...
August 30, 2004 by chott370
hi all, today i didnt go to my sick.i have cold,nose block,slight fever,head ache.dunno how i caught the cold.might be due to the change in the climate.last weekend i njoyed like anything.i went to 2 good movies meet with a couple of friends.i saw vasool raja,anacondas 2 in satyam.vasool raja was damn good during the first half and then after that it become too sentimental.many people feel that it was not like munnabhai mbbs.then anacondas 2 was similar to that of part one.i thin...
August 11, 2004 by chott370
hi, since i came to chennai the only interesting thing i did was to watch a spiderman i am a software professional working for a reputed company in india.i am now a traine and after a month i actually beome a real employee.i think the training is a total bull shit.we have our training in a hotel daily from 9:30 am to 6 pm.i get up at 7 in the morning leave my damn mansion at 8:30 walk for fucking 10 minutes to catch a bus then after a battle with fellow passengers i get down ...
August 7, 2004 by chott370
hi, now i have been a week in chennai and it sucks.i hate 1.the people 2.traffic roommate 5.pollution 6.T nagar 7.Rnganathan street 8.and finally myself i came to chennai on last month 29 th.i stayed in my sisters house for a couple of days then moved to my so called mansion in t mansion is very close to usman road and ranganathan street.yuck there is crowd 24 hours a day thats makes me simply those streets lies the one of the most famous an...
August 5, 2004 by chott370
hi, i never thought that i would become this bussy when i join a company.i was trying desperately to update by blog but cant do it.even now am out of time.will update my move to chennai later this weekend.have to tell a lot of stuff. c ya later...
July 23, 2004 by chott370
so the arrangements have been made for my move to i went to book my train leaving to chennai from erode on 29 th night by will reach chennai by 4:45 the next morning.i have planned to spend couple of days in my sisters house then move to my mansion.myself and my colleague arvind have decided to stay together and i seriously dunno how it is possible.when i got placed a year ago i was then planning with whome as i will stay.14 of my department was recruited my...
July 22, 2004 by chott370
hi, today i read a blog in joe user about taking a personality quiz.i though let me take some and check what they predict about me.i googled for free quizzies and went through are the results. Topic:do u wear a face mask? Result:You wear only a few -- if any -- masks. Your "free expression" wells up from within. Like a ray of light, your true and total self shines through.You may be a natural. You may have learned from experience. But whatever the origin, you are what you a...
July 20, 2004 by chott370
while surfing came across the following.try to anwser them. 1.If all the nations in the world are in debt(am not joking. even US has got depts), where did all the money go? 2.When dog food is new and improved tasting, who tests it? 3.What is the speed of darkness? 4.If the "black box" flight recorder is never damaged during a plane crash, why isn't the whole airplane made out of that stuff? 5.Who copyrighted the copyright symbol? 6.Can you cry under water? 7.Why do people say, "you'v...